KYTEMS instructors have extensive experience and medical qualifications including EMT-T, paramedic, SWAT/Bomb/Dive/Technical Rescue Medic, Flight RN, MD and DVM. They additionally possess experience including military service in imminent danger and combat zones overseas; local, state and federal law enforcement officer/trooper/special agent experience and fire rescue experience. Several are additionally SWAT, Weapons and/or Sniper instructors. They are all certified TEMS providers either serving or having served in that role with local, state and federal law enforcement tactical teams and conventional and special operations military units. The average span of service and experience is 20-38 years. We also have an extensively trained and experienced combat injury simulation moulage artist team (having experience with NLE’s, TEMS, RTF, and military training scenarios). We field a team of role players with over 200 scenarios of experience and KYTEMS has highly trained and experienced special effects specialists combining sound, light, smoke, debris fields, pyrotechnics, blood stain pattern evidence, live interaction simulation mannequins and ballistic evidence damage fields in urban and rural scenarios. KYTEMS has partnered with local, state and federal tactical teams who train with us in conjunction with our RTF and TEMS medical scenarios.