Rescue Task Force

Post Blast Simulation
Post Blast Simulation

The Rescue Task Force (RTF) is a set of teams made up of law enforcement officers, fire fighters and EMS personnel deployed by the Incident Commander or designee to provide point of wound care to victims where there is an on-going shooting, active hostile event, or explosive threat. These teams treat, stabilize, and remove the injured while wearing Ballistic Protective Equipment (BPE) in a rapid manner. This response can be deployed to work in any situation where the incident Commander deems that life hazard risks to Emergency Personnel have been mitigated to an acceptable level and RTF deployment may decrease the loss of life.

This two day (16 hour) Rescue Task Force (RTF) course covers the threat overview and history with case studies, RTF operations, RTF medical care based on TECC principles, M.A.R.C.H.E. principals, injuries to other body systems and treatment modalities, assessment and care of adult and pediatric patients including special needs patients, RTF mass casualty triage, rescue movement techniques and equipment, MCI operations, communications, accountability, planning for active hostile events, actions on contact with a hostile threat, and 4 hours of multiple evolutions of simulated RTF operations which involve, highly accurately moulaged role players, special effects (auditory, visual, olfactory overload inoculation) in changing scenarios with course AAR’s throughout the exercise process. The scenario portion of the training has used schools, churches, industrial sites, business locations and other public venues (both outdoor and indoor).

Bus Rescue Simulation
Bus Rescue Simulation
3 Second RTF Triage and M.A.R.C.H Care initiation with Role Player
3 Second RTF Triage and M.A.R.C.H Care initiation with Role Player

KYTEMS recommends that agencies completing RTF training conduct a follow on full scale RTF exercise approximately every six months using different locations in their communities.